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How to Hire the Best Hourly Workers for Your Business

Written by David Lozada | Sep 27, 2017 9:59:43 PM

It's tough to attract quality hourly workers and retain them long enough to gain a substantial return on investment. It’s easy to assume there’s nothing to be done to mitigate turnover and reduce its huge drain on profitability. But you can't give up. You can fix your retention rate issue.

With a little out-of-the-box thinking, you can take matters in your own hands and reduce turnover by recruiting and hiring the best hourly workers. The best people don’t just show up out of nowhere, since they’re usually already working someplace else. The best of the best hourly hires come to you when you design the right candidate experience, set measurable goals and implement the right tactics to get their attention and keep them engaged long enough to get them interested in applying for jobs at your company.

Design a GREAT Candidate Experience

To recruit the best, employers have to make recruiting a 24/7 activity. If you only recruit when you have openings, you can’t get the best, because the pressure to hire immediately causes you to be less selective. This is often results in a bad hiring decision.

Disney and Nordstrom are good examples of companies that are proactive in their pursuit of hourly workers. They have a large pool of candidates readily available. They have heavily invested in their brand, producing positive word of mouth about the company that gets people interested in working for them. You may think that this isn’t possible for your small businesses, but becoming a well-established name in your niche could be enough incentive to attract great applicants.

You’ve also got to make it easy for the best people to apply. If you accept phone calls, resumes and applications only during regular business hours, you discourage the very people you're trying to recruit - all the people who are busy working. Try modifying or extending the hours you accept applications and conduct interviews to sync with applicant availability.

Today’s job applicants are busy. If you’re not using internet job boards, social media and your company website to advertise your jobs, you’re definitely missing the boat. Test drive your 'Careers' or 'Join Our Team' page on your website. Many of career sites lose jobseekers by making the process too complicated and time-consuming. Some don’t even work at all!

Download our Career Site Optimization Guide. 

Define Your Selection Process

Don't hire someone you simply think would be great. This can often come back to haunt you, as getting rid of a poor performer can be a long, stressful process.

Post job openings for three months. During that time, try to bring at least one person in for an interview. Know what you want the applicant to do if hired and determine whether or not she fits your company’s environment and culture. Remember that a good fit is just as important as a good skillset.

Remember to be genuine during the interview process. Demonstrate your concern about their needs and desires. Do all you can to determine if the applicant will be a good fit for your company’s culture. When you’re with your potential new hire, make sure they feel like they matter because ultimately, they do.

Implement Good Strategies and Tactics

Implementing creative recruiting strategies will help get your jobs seen by hourly candidates who are looking for a new job. The strategies and tactics you use will allow you to make faster hires with significantly less effort once the ball gets rolling.

Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that millennials make up the majority of hourly workers in America. One way to start attracting millennials is to build a coaching culture that focuses on building opportunity. These applicants don't want to just settle in for the long haul for the next 20 years. They want to know where they're going in the next two years.

A recruiting strategy that provides a steady pipeline of people ready to jump aboard when you post your jobs helps you reach your business goals. Implementing good employment branding and social recruiting strategies will help you better recruit hourly workers.