Sky Real Estate Blog

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Phil Kaminowitz

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Canadians are buying more U.S. real estate than ever before

When the National Association of Realtors released its 2017 Profile of International Activity in the U.S, readers were surprised to find Canada as second only to China as the key foreign investor in American real[...]

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Baby Boomers’ Retirement Presents a Unique Challenge in real estate

The millennial generation, known for their disruptive tendencies are transforming real estate as they have quickly become the dominant home-buying demographic. However, millennials are rivaled on this front by the other[...]

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The New Tax Plan and Real Estate: What You Need To Know

Last Thursday, markets responded to the House passing the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax plan with a 227 to 205 final tally. The real estate industry felt unnerved as the net value of homebuilders stocks dropped 3%. But what[...]

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