Sky Real Estate Blog

Learn about the latest in traditional and digital marketing.

Phil Kaminowitz

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How the Pandemic is Shifting Demand for Luxury Real Estate

The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the landscape for luxury real estate. But will these changes be temporary, or are they a glimpse into the future of the luxury market?

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Real Estate Pivots to Virtual Selling

While real estate already employs virtual and remote selling, now agents and sellers alike are trying to pivot most of the process online. With news changing rapidly about COVID-19, real estate professionals are tasked[...]

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2020 Real Estate Trends

Real estate speculators are projecting 2020 to be a mixed bag, but overall quite friendly to real estate professionals. Markets will continue to be wracked by uncertainty: nobody’s sure how strained trade relations[...]

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Creative Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Professionals

Although it varies from region to region, the current real estate market heavily favors buyers. Sellers are disgruntled by the prospect of possibly selling for a lesser profit, or at a loss entirely, while real estate[...]

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Social Media Marketing for Luxury Properties

Marketing for luxury properties is ultra-competitive. You are dealing with a small customer base, a competitive field, and long purchase time frames, so it’s crucial to set yourself apart. 

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Real Estate Trends: It's a Buyer's Market

The real estate market has officially shifted. And if you are on the seller’s side it isn’t in your favor. In September, the New York Times announced that Manhattan, the crème de la crème of the real estate world had[...]

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Amazon and Realogy Form a New Partnership

Amazon is already a one-stop-shop for everything from clothing to home goods to electronics. Its low prices and quick turnaround has made it the most valuable brand in the world. And as of late July, it’s expanding into[...]

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Why Can't Americans Afford Homes?

The housing market is faced with a huge affordability gap. Despite a strong economy, rising wages, a low unemployment rate, and falling mortgage rates, most Americans struggle to afford an entry-level home. Over 70% of[...]

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Hispanic Home buyers are the Future of Real Estate

Hispanic home ownership is the future of the real estate industry. It's on the rise—and it couldn’t happen soon enough, as the housing market has been otherwise quite sluggish. This is a cause for celebration among[...]

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