As any hiring manager will tell you these days, a low unemployment rate makes recruitment significantly more difficult. It can be demoralizing to receive a small stack of applications with few qualified candidates, half[...]
It all began with a pencil and a little girl named Kaylie who lives in New Jersey. Kaylie asked her mother, Dinora, for a new pencil. From this simple question Kaylie’s Foundation was born. Its mission is to provide[...]
Job candidates are ghosting Employers
For millennials, ghosting is a ubiquitous social phenomenon. Most young people have been ghosted, and what’s more uncomfortable to admit as that many of them have been guilty of this behavior as well. According to [...]
Create a Superior Workplace with Employee Recognition
Retaining employees is a top management concern because of a tight job market for certain skilled positions and the ever present cost of employee turnover. When you have the right employees, you want to keep them.[...]
Better Job Interviews = Better Employees
Over the past few years, hiring managers have seen their jobs made easier through technological innovation. Applicant tracking systems, niche jobs boards, digital advertising, and social media empower HR departments to[...]
Employee advocacy can lead to HR success
Your employees are one of your biggest resources, and not just for getting the job done. Employee advocacy is a great marketing and HR tool. Understanding your employees and giving them opportunities to tell their[...]
Land candidates with an engaging career website
There was a time when my sister was applying for jobs and as she searched, it looked like all of the online job listings blurred together. Even well-written listings failed to truly stand out. However, when she[...]
Wage Growth vs. Bonuses
Employee disengagement: what is it and how can I stop it?
Employee disengagement can become a catastrophic problem for your company, especially if you fail to nip it in the bud when you notice the warning signs. Fortunately, most managers know it when they see it; employee[...]