Google is the #1 search engine in the world for its impressive ability to rank results. Back in the day, all search results looked more or less the same: a header, a URL, and preview text. Now, not all search results[...]
Want to Improve your Social Video?
With video growing across social media platforms, marketers are investing in strong social video content. Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than those who don’t, and see more traffic and strong conversions.
Are You Taking Advantage of LinkedIn Ad Campaigns?
Most people think of LinkedIn as a place to browse job listings and network with peers in their field. But the platform can do so much more. In recent years, savvy marketing departments have used LinkedIn as a primary[...]
Optimize Your Facebook Advertising Costs
Facebook boasts one of the most sophisticated advertising platforms for marketers. With its incredible demographic targeting tools, the ability to create custom audiences, re-targeting tools, and informative analytics,[...]
Is A/B Testing Really Worth It?
Not even the savviest marketing experts can identify what will yield the most engagement with 100% certainty. Some marketers skip the testing stage, and proceed based on intuition, what has worked in the past, or try to[...]
The B2B Sales Journey Has Changed...Now What?
Effective B2B marketing results in a short, intuitive, and efficient journey that ends with a sale. Although marketers today have numerous tools at their disposal for B2B marketing, many have not succeeded in[...]
Using Facebook Ads to Increase Conversions
Facebook Ads is one of the most powerful tools available for digital marketing. For many years, marketers have considered it mainly as a branding tool—optimized to grow your audience, bolster your brand’s reputation,[...]
What you need to know about Brand Evangelism
Brand evangelists are your customer superfans. What sets them apart from other customers is their willingness to spread the word about your products and brand. They are lauding your products to friends, coming to your[...]
Image SEO: Do you really need alt text for images?
If you aren’t providing ALT text for your images, you’re missing out on a lot of organic traffic to your website and impairing your user experience. Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for bringing up your[...]