In the past few years, Instagram has become a favorite marketing channel. People like Instagram because its visually-driven platform is favorable to advertisers, and channels like IGTV and Stories boast massive audience[...]
Are You Earning Earned Media?
For any marketing professional, earned media is perhaps the most coveted, but most challenging kind of marketing. Earned media is publicity that you didn’t pay for—this includes customer testimonials, press coverage,[...]
Social Proof: What You Need to Know
Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon that leads people to mimic the actions of others because of an inherent need to conform. This means that people will look to those around them when deciding on[...]
Instagram for Business: What you need to know
With 500 million daily users and 800 million monthly users, it's no wonder that businesses take Instagram seriously. Instagram combines the advertising power of Facebook, which acquired Instagram in 2012, and a[...]
Marketing strategy: Build your brand on LinkedIn
In the world of digital marketing, not all social media platforms are created equal. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Pinterest have vastly different audiences and engender different usage habits in[...]
Marketing strategy: Facebook changed, now what?
Last January, Mark Zuckerberg announced huge changes for the Facebook News Feed algorithm. In his summary of the Facebook changes, Zuckerberg said “[Facebook] has a responsibility to make sure [their] services … are[...]
6 Fun Content Ideas to Grow Your Social Media Following
Social media marketing is not just about slapping up a static company page. You have to give it some life. The key word here is ‘social.’
Why Facebook is Good for Advertisers + 5 Tips for a Successful Ad Campaign
From food trucks and shoe repair shops to luxury real estate sales and recruitment marketing, your online presence is vital to your business. It’s difficult to think of any business that doesn’t need an online presence[...]